The World’s “Most Unpopular” Word. Wait!

Happy Ascension Day!

It looks like I’m always late with my wishes. In this case, it was intentional. I had to wait for today to share with you an important principle on the world’s “most-unpopular” word called, Wait!

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word “Wait”?

· Maybe you are waiting to be called for a job you’ve been expecting

· Maybe you are waiting to be blessed with a child?

· Maybe you are waiting for Mr or Mrs. Right?

· Maybe you are waiting to be healed from a disease, or expecting the healing of a loved one?

· Maybe you are waiting for an examination result

· Maybe you are waiting for a contract to be signed or for that long-awaited promotion in your workplace

· Maybe you are in a job situation that’s really tough to endure and you are waiting for God to change the working conditions?

I believe the Word “Wait” is the world’s “most hated” word in the 21st century.

I know so because each time I’m running late to work and get stocked in traffic, the faces of all the passengers in the taxi says it all.

When I stand in line to pay the electricity bill at ENEO or carry out any bank transaction on a busy day, the security guards have a hard time managing adults to wait on their turn to meet the cashier.

The worst is when I have to wait for hours with a patient who is running a high fever or having severe pains just to see a doctor in some of our wacky hospitals in Douala whose name I won’t mention.

However, I believe the word “Wait” is the best word every kingdom citizen should love to hear, especially when it is coming from God.

When Jesus was about to ascend to heaven, He gave instructions to his disciples to WAIT in Jerusalem until they’ve received the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.

Imagine what would have happened if the disciples didn’t wait on the lord, or started witnessing Christ before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost day?

The Sanhedrin or the chief priest would have crushed them for witnessing Christ.

 We live in a fast-paced world where everything seems to move at a jet-speed rate.

 Almost everything in our confines is gradually becoming smart or fast. We now manipulate smart phones, order fast-food restaurants, operate fast communication systems, fast cars, fast jets, fast fact-checking and even fast-vaccine development.

Since we’ve gradually become accustomed to fast things and fast technology, we seem to think that we can also fast-forward God’s time for our lives, in our nation or in our communities. 

Fortunately or unfortunately, God’s timing is not man’s timing.

The apostles received power from the Holy Spirit while they were praying in upper (waiting) room. They wouldn’t have received this power if they didn’t wait on the lord.

Spiritual transformation doesn’t take place when we get what we want immediately. It takes place while we’re in the waiting room.

Are you waiting in vain, in pain, or in frustration?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, many of you have had to wait in quarantine centers for at least 7 to 10 days; some of you are still waiting on your bosses to give an order for you to resume work.

Almost everyone in the world is also waiting for a time when we would have to take off our masks completely and resume our daily routine with no quarantine, washing of hands or social distancing.

While others are waiting in vain, wait with purpose and expectations, knowing that the lord is sovereign.

In the words of John Piper, do not waste your quarantines. Rather, grow your faith in God while you wait on the lord.

Whether or not you like it, accept it or not, life is full of waiting. A time will come when you’d have to wait on something by hook or by crook. Just like COVID-19…

While the world views waiting as punishment, view waiting as a source of security, love, protection and blessings from the Lord.

Learn to hold to the positives and the negative in proper balance while waiting.

Next time the spirit tells you to wait on something, worry not. God knows why. It shall come to pass for your own good and for His own glory. God never fails. 

In the spirit of “Wait”,

Share this post to encourage someone to wait on the Lord.

Lots of love,

Shei Jini

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Author: Jini, is a prolific author and founder of Teachersletters Publishing Services. As an award winning teacher with a Cambridge International School in Doaula, he has 13+ years of teaching experience in writing, student-centered learning, bible teachers training and educational leadership. He is consider as one of the best keynote speakers of his time.

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